How not to multitask by Jo Weston
Online Launch
Recorded on 11 May 2021. Hosted by Sheelagh Gallagher and featuring readings from Wendy Pratt, Clare Stevens, Rory Waterman, Fiona Theokritoff and Sheena Bradley.
Twelve months of cancer
From Twelve Days of Christmas
First published in Our Beating Heart: NHS 70 (Liverpool: erbacce, 2017) and will feature in Jo's debut pamphlet - How not to multitask - out with Wild Pressed Books in May 2021.
Reading at
Nottingham Poetry Festival 2020
Jo read 3 poems for Nottingham Poetry Festival 2020. These were streamed online as part of the Poetry Get Together event.
'Hopos' - commissioned and published by Left Lion (issue 121).
'Single ticket' and 'Gran' - first published in the erbacce Poetry Journal (issue 61), and will feature in Jo's upcoming poetry pamphlet How not to multitask, due out with Wild Pressed Books in May 2021.
Maggie's Poem
Published in Between the Lines (Nottingham: Telltale Writers, 2015) and broadcast on BBC Radio Nottingham’s Mark Dennison Show. Filmed at the launch of Clare Stevens' debut novel Blue Tide Rising at Waterstones, Nottingham.
Chemo: Day 10
Published as 'Day 10' in Missing Pieces (Nottingham: Tell Tale Writers, 2017).
Filmed at the launch of Clare Steven's first novel Blue Tide Rising at Waterstones, Nottingham.
Flight of Fancy
Published in Crossroads Anthology (Nottingham: Launderette Books, 2018). Filmed at the launch of Crossroads at Waterstones, Nottingham.
The poem was also broadcast on BBC Radio Nottingham's Alan Clifford Show on 30th April 2018 and features in Jo's poetry pamphlet, How not to multitask.
Published in Issue 121 of Left Lion (January 2020), as part of the Snap Notts feature. Filmed at the DIY Poets event, part of Nottingham Light Night, on 8 February 2020.
The fawn and the flea
Published in the Nottingham Light Night Festival Guide 2020. Filmed at the DIY Poets event, part of Nottingham Light Night, on 8 February 2020.
In June 2020, as part of Sherwood Arts Festival in Nottingham, various shows and performances took place on the streets. For this, Jo joined other local writers to give a reading, sharing The fawn and the flea and Flight of fancy.